Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
「エビデンスから意思決定への道筋を再考する」ワークショップ 〜 5月10日~11日開催!
Event Details
English follows Japanese
2)一般市民 - 政策の選択肢を支える科学をより分かりやすく伝え、意思決定プロセスに一般市民の意見を取り入れる
*3:00 pm - 5:00 pm(オンライン参加可能)
Plenary Session(本会議)
Evidence Informed Decision Making at Times of Uncertainty- a Case Study of COVID-19 in Israel
by Ran Balicer, Director, Clalit Research Institute
Ben-Gurion University
What Would an Ideal Evidence
by John Lavis, Director, McMaster Health Forum
McMaster University
WHO’s evidence-informed policy work: EVIPNet
(WHOのエビデンス・インフォームド・ポリシーの活動: EVIPNet)
by Tanja Kuchenmüller, Director, WHO Unit for Evidence to Policy and Impact
World Health Organization (WHO)
*9:00 pm - 10:30 pm (オンライン参加可能)
Fireside Chat: State of the Art in Evidence Informed Policy: Challenges and Opportunities
*3:00 pm - 5:00 pm(オンライン参加可能)
Dissemination versus Implementation
(普及 vs 実装)
*5:30 pm - 7:30 pm(オンライン参加可能)
Next Generation for Intervention and Research in Evidence Informed Policy (Discussion)
・Israel Implementation Science and Policy Engagement Center (IS-PEC) ※
・Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit, World Health Organization (WHO)
Alon Rasooly (Mr.)
email: rasooly@post.bgu.ac.il
※Israel Implementation Science and Policy Engagement Center (IS-PEC)
"Rethinking the Path from Evidence to Decision-Making" Workshop
・Date/time:10 - 11 May 2022 (Japan Standard Time)
・Participation from Japan: 3 sessions are available online
(Onsite is at Ben Gurion University in Israel)
・Language: English
・Registeration: HERE
(Updates and program details will be sent to your email you register with.)
The overarching objective of the workshop is to explore new pathways and tools for evidence-informed policy, focuing on two stakeholder groups:
(1) Policymakers - to improve the process of evidence-informed decision-making underconditions of uncertainties.
(2) General public - communicating the science that supports policy options in a more accessible way and including public opinions in decision-making processes.
The workshop will include presentations by leading health policy and science and communication experts, from Israel and abroad, as well as group discussion o the Next Generation for Intervention and Reearch in Evidence Informed Policy, and related issues.
[Program ] (Japan Standard Time)
The full program is avialble HERE.
10 May (T)
* 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Available online & onsite)
Plenary Session
Evidence Informed Decision Making at Times of Uncertainty- a Case Study of COVID-19 in Israel
by Ran Balicer, Director, Clalit Research Institute
Ben-Gurion University
What Would an Ideal Evidence
by John Lavis, Director, McMaster Health Forum
McMaster University
WHO’s evidence-informed policy work: EVIPNet
by Tanja Kuchenmüller, Director, WHO Unit for Evidence to Policy and Impact
World Health Organization (WHO)
*9:00 pm - 10:30 pm (Available online & onsite)
Fireside Chat: State of the Art in Evidence Informed Policy: Challenges and Opportunities
11 May (W)
*3:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Available online & onsite)
Dissemination versus Implementation
*5:30 pm - 7:30 pm (Available online & onsite)
Next Generation for Intervention and Research in Evidence Informed Policy (Discussion)
・Israel Implementation Science and Policy Engagement Center (IS-PEC) ※
・Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit, World Health Organization (WHO)
Alon Rasooly (Mr.)
email rasooly@post.bgu.ac.il
※Israel Implementation Science and Policy Engagement Center (IS-PEC)
IS-PEC is one of the few centers in the world focused on implementation science (IS) and policy engagement, and the first of its kind in the country, established by Ben-Gurion University in a major city in southern Israel. With a broad faculty and expertise spanning academia, health systems, government, and industry, nationally and internationally, the university is well positioned to lead and facilitate the integration and promotion of IS and knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE).