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Film "A Boyʼs Life" and Release event


Event Details

The film "A Boyʼs Life" will be released nationwide on December 3 as the final film in the Austrian-produced "Holocaust Testimony Series" trilogy. As in the previous films in the series, "A German Life" and "The Jewish Life," WWII survivors will appear in the film and testify about their own war experiences.

The series is directed by Vienna-based filmmakers Christian Krones and Florian Weigensamer. With war survivors disappearing from society, they are making films to preserve the memory of the war for the next generation.

<Synopsis >

"A Boy's Life" documents the fateful twists and turns of what is a unique story of survival at the fringes of life. It is the story of nine-year-old Daniel and his odyssey from the ghetto in Kaunas, Lithuania, to six concentration camps and finally to Palestine. It tells of growing up at a time when there was no room for being a child. Daniel Chanoch was only nine years old when his family is deported by the Nazis. In Auschwitz-Birkenau, he works at the ramp, drags dead bodies on wooden carts to the crematoriums, becomes the showcase patient of the notorious Dr. Josef Mengele, and is forced on a death march toward the West. At the end of the war, he witnesses cannibalism in the Austrian camps of Mauthausen and Gunskirchen. The film takes a very personal look at one of the darkest epochs in human history - through the eyes of a child who was no longer allowed to be a child.

<Film information>

Original title:

"A Boy's Life" Number: B2826”

Length: 97 mins.

Versions: Original language English with English subtitles

Release date: 3rdDecember, 2023 @ Tokyo Photographic Art Museum Hall

Directors: Christian Krönes, Florian Weigensamer

Screenplay: Florian Weigensamer, Christian Krönes

Produced by: Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH

Producers: Christian Krönes, Susanne Krönes, Florian Weigensamer, Christian Kermer

Distribution: Sunny Film

World sales: Cinephil, Tel Aviv

<Official site / Screening schedule>

<Release event>

Date and time: Sunday, December 3rd

Venue: Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Ebisu Garden Place, 1-13-3 Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo)

11:00 1st Screening  / 12:40 Directors' talk

This event is already fully booked with crowdfunding supporters.

Only those who have a special viewing ticket for this event can enter.  If you have a ticket for this show, please exchange it for a numbered ticket from 10:00. Doors open at 10:30.

15:30 2nd Screening

17:10 Special conversation between directors and Professor Tetsuya Shibuya (Nihon University College of Arts and Sciences, German film researcher)

Tickets will be sold on the day of this event. If you have an advance ticket, please specify the time when you exchange it for a numbered ticket.

19:00 3rd Screening

Tickets will be sold on the day of this event. Also, through crowdfunding and theater counters.

You can also enter with advance tickets purchased.

<Screening in other cities with the directors’ greeting in other venues>

12/3~ TOP Museum Hall (director's greeting on 12/3)

12/9~ Osaka 7th Art Theater (director's greeting on 12/6 )

12/9~ Okinawa Sakurazaka Theater (director's stage greeting on 12/10 )

Released in December: Yokogawa Cinema, Hiroshima (director's greeting on 12/8) 

Artist information

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