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Hiroaki Suga (chemist) and Fujiko Nakaya (artist) win the Wolf Prize

The Culture and Science Affairs department is honored and glad to share the wonderful news regarding the Wolf Prize.

Since 1978, The Wolf Foundation has been awarded the acclaimed, international Wolf Prize.

The acclaimed Wolf Prize is awarded to outstanding scientists and artists from around the world, (regardless of nationality, race, color, religion, gender, or political views) for achievements in the interest of humanity and friendly relations among people.

The scientific categories of the prize include Medicine, Agriculture, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics. The Prize’s art categories include Painting and Sculpting, Music, and Architecture. The prize laureates are selected by international Jury Committees which comprise world-renowned professionals from all over the world.

The prize in each field consists of a certificate and a monetary award of $100,000. To date, 375 scientists and artists from around the globe have been honored.

The prize presentation takes place at a special ceremony at the Knesset (Israel´s Parliament), in Jerusalem.

The Wolf Foundation awarded the 2023 Wolf Prize in Chemistry to Professor Hiroaki Suga of the Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo, and the Wolf Prize in Art to artist Fujiko Nakaya.

The 2023 Wolf Prize in Chemistry is awarded jointly to Professors Chuan He, Jeffery W. Kelly, and Hiroaki Suga “for pioneering discoveries that illuminate the functions and pathological dysfunctions of RNA and proteins and for creating strategies to harness the capabilities of these biopolymers in new ways to ameliorate human diseases.”

Hiroaki Suga, The University of Tokyo, Japan, is awarded for developing RNA-based catalysts that revolutionized the discovery of bioactive peptides.

The 2023 Wolf Prize in the Arts is awarded jointly to Fujiko Nakaya and Richard Long “ for redefining the possibilities of art-making and transforming the parameters of visual art.”

Fujiko Nakaya, one of Japan’s leading artists, is awarded the Wolf Prize for being a longtime pioneer of work that intermingles the realms of art, nature, science, and technology. Her sculptures, films and videos, installations, and paintings, produced over a seven-decade career, engage fundamental subjects such as the environment, perception, and communication.

(© Etsuko Yoshida)


『ARTIST INDEX』 に掲載されている各アーティストのプロフィールは、過去のメールマガジンから転載されたものです

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