“Bye Bye Black Sheep”
9/2 (Sat) - 9/30 (Sat), 2023
Opening party 9/2 (Sat) 18:00-20:00
Venue: Gallery "Eitoeiko"
32-2 Yarai-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
(12:00-19:00, closed on Sundays and Mondays)
Details: http://eitoeiko.com/
An artist who studied at an art school in Israel for one year from 2021 using the Overseas Study Program of the Agency for Cultural Affairs will hold a solo exhibition that utilizes the inspiration and expression he got there.
YuKi Hashimoto
Born in 1988, Aichi. Received BA from Musashino Art University, in 2011 in printmaking, and MA from Tama Art University, in 2013 in ceramics. Study in Israel with the scholarship of Overseas Study Program for Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan, 2021-22. Recent exhibitions include Futomani no Manimani, a solo exhibition, at Gallery Eitoeiko, 2021, The 8th Kanae Yamamoto print awards exhibition, Ueda City Museum, 2021, The 21thTARO Award exhibition, Taro Museum, 2018, The 3rd Macau Print Triennial, 2018, and others.
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